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SoCal Young Professionals SIG - Betting on Yourself

  • Thu, September 08, 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Virtual


  • Free for ATD San Diego Members

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Young Professionals SIG Meeting

Betting on Yourself

(For Young Professionals 35 and below)

The Young Professionals SIG is a tri-chapter SIG,
broadening the borders for networking and learning.


When you are new in your career, it's hard to know what your worth is, and it's easy to think, "If I work hard, and play nice, I will get paid more." Join this webinar to learn from Tanya Thampipop, to get some lessons learned throughout her career journey on how she stuck to her core values while still creating opportunities for herself.


  • Identify qualities that can elevate your competitive edge

  • Recognize when a workplace environment isn't set up for your success

  • Develop opportunities for yourself to grow

  • Identify your allies to find support

Presenter: Tanya Thampipop

Tanya has worked as a talent development professional in industries including music, higher education, and technology. She is currently a security learning and development specialist at Zoom. She has held leadership positions and been active in API employee resource groups at all of her past companies. She has built many training programs, diversity and inclusion events, and implemented technology from the ground up. Some of her areas of expertise include designing, developing, and delivering soft and technical skills training, analyzing data to drive business decisions, and galvanizing groups of people behind a bigger purpose. She has interdisciplinary practice focusing on the inner workings of the mind with a B.S. in Physiology and Neuroscience, B.A. in Psychology, and business minor from UC San Diego (UCSD), as well as a M.S. in Organizational and Consumer Psychology from University of Southern California (USC). 


6:00 - 6:30 PM: Check-In & Networking

6:15 - 8:00 PM: Speaker Series and Q&A

 Portions of this meeting will be recorded for chapter marketing purposes

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