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President's Letter - June Update

Sun, June 20, 2021 12:48 PM | Tom Velasquez

ATD San Diego, 

This month marks the start of summer and we're so glad that you’re a part of our chapter during this ever changing time! 

Every year our national organization hosts a conference to keep us connected and stay at the top of our game professionally. This year the event is in Salt Lake City, Utah from August 29 - September 3. With the transition back to in person events in the United States, this event is designed for both in person and virtual attendance. Would you like to receive a discounted registration? Reduced rates are available if 5 or more members from our chapter attend. To cash in on the discount, email so that everyone can reap the reward! Many lasting friendships have been established at past conferences, not to mention the valuable content from industry leaders. You won’t want to miss it.  

This year our board of directors' top priority is you and the value of your membership. For many of our members, the most valuable components of their membership are professional growth and networking. Growth most often happens with practice. How can you grow professionally and grow your network through ATD San Diego? By getting involved. Many of you reading this email have given your time and talent to develop our chapter into the powerful group that we are today. To stay strong, stretch, and grow we need help from every member. Our chapter will reflect your interests and meet your professional goals when we have your input and participation. As we reemerge out of the state-wide quarantine, we are excited to explore new programming ideas, and I am asking for your help to make those ideas a reality. Here is a brief list of areas where we can use your help:

  • Finance Director - assist with reports, collecting data, reviewing chapter financial information
  • Technology Director - assist with website updates, edit videos, create podcasts
  • Marketing Director - create social media posts, create graphics, host new social media platforms
  • Membership Director - do you want to mentor or be mentored? We need volunteers on both sides for our newly developing membership program
  • Local Conference - we want to host one! We’re looking for a committee to put together this event. 

Don’t hesitate to step up and try something new or share your expertise with us. We know you are amazing, and we want our chapter to benefit from your teachable spirit or rockstar status, whatever the case may be. 

Our Volunteer Opportunities are listed on our website, but feel free to reach out to one of our directors or me directly on LinkedIn to start a conversation about how you can join us. Volunteering is a great way to share your skills and talents and a great way to develop new ones. 

How can you connect with us this month?

1. Wednesday June 9th at 5:30 p.m. we’ll host our chapter meeting Emotional Intelligence, Interesting, but What’s the Business Value?

2. Virtual Mixer on Thursday the 17th from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Sit back with a beverage from home, introduce yourself, mingle and make new friends. Register to receive the link. 

Remember to follow us on LinkedIn for reminders of upcoming events. Please note that if you are a member of the San Diego ATD LinkedIn group, it has been closed. Stay connected with us here. I encourage you to keep your membership up to date. It’s your ticket to attend most of our events throughout the year for free. Our chapter meetings, Professional mixers and more are available at no cost above your annual membership dues and we think that’s a great value. 

Cheers to seeing you soon. 

All my Best, 

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