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President's Letters

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  • Sat, October 08, 2022 7:06 PM | Nava Amoona

  • Thu, September 01, 2022 7:05 PM | Nava Amoona

  • Mon, August 01, 2022 6:57 PM | Nava Amoona

  • Thu, July 07, 2022 9:26 AM | Nava Amoona

    What's happening this month at ATD San Diego? Tune in for July 2022 chapter updates from ATD SD President, Bridget Randall. 

  • Mon, June 06, 2022 7:47 AM | Tom Velasquez

    Here are the chapter updates for June.

  • Sun, May 22, 2022 9:45 AM | Tom Velasquez

    Here is our Chapter Update for May from our President.  Click on the graphic to view the video.

  • Sun, April 24, 2022 8:17 PM | Tom Velasquez

    Change is in the Air

    As the saying goes, the one thing that's constant is change. Business environments are still in flux as organizations make new policies and implement return to office work initiatives. Is that directly impacting you? Are you being asked to create the initiatives? If so, our chapter meeting may be exactly what you need. 

    Trainers as Agents of Change 

    Be the Change. Learn how to increase the effectiveness of change projects by becoming a change agent. During this session, that requires no additional cost above membership, Alan Landers will discuss:

    • Change interventions and  the training to connect it with

    • How to gather data to plan change interventions

    • The Mindset of a change agent.

    • Steps to improve the results of change interventions.

    Register to join the conversation on Wednesday April 20th, 5:30pm. online.

    Are you Younger in Your Career?

    The So-Cal Young Professionals Special Interest Group (SIG) is designed for talent development professionals age 35 and younger. This is a great way to connect with peers from our San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles chapters. Register 

    for the next event that's happening online April 21, 6:00-8:00pm.

    Welcome New Members 

    Robin Moorezaid

    Alexander Macksoud

    Wanted: Volunteers!

    Volunteers make up the heart of our chapter. Our Board of Directors volunteer their time to plan chapter events and programs. We invite you to join us. Your creative ideas may lead to our next chapter offering. We're looking for help with: planning events, updating our website, editing videos, creating social media posts, and reviewing our monthly financial reports. If you'd like to volunteer some time, please complete our short form and we'll get you started. 

    ATD National has opportunities coming our way next year. Have I piqued your interest? I can't reveal what's coming yet, but in order to prepare, we need to secure a committee and a committee chair. Take advantage of the opportunity to lead a team, expand your local and international network, and deepen your professional connections. 

    For more info, please fill out the volunteer form

    Learn more about ATD Membership

    On Wednesday April 6th at 4 p.m. you can join members and non-members alike for our next Discover the Benefits of Membership session. There you'll learn about how to make the most of an ATD San Diego membership. This guided conversation is a place to ask questions and create your own path for leadership and professional development. You'll also learn about the many opportunities to connect with professional colleagues in our local area. Register for this free session today.

    Register on our website for our in person Mixers during the last week of the month.

    Thank you for your membership. I look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon.

    All my Best, 


    Bridget Randall 

  • Wed, March 09, 2022 8:45 AM | Tom Velasquez

    ATD San Diego, 

    It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 

    It’s almost my favorite time of the year, Daylight Savings Time! This month we adjust our clocks and lose an hour of sleep, to gain more glorious hours of sunshine. With the additional sunlight I find myself staying away from home longer and longer whenever possible. That is one of the reasons why I enjoy calling San Diego home. Our San Diego ATD chapter is another. 

    Technology Special Interest Group Re-launch

    This month we re-launched our Technology Special Interest Group (SIG) and learned about leveraging the capabilities of PowerPoint to create storyboards. Bringing this idea to reality was a direct result of two long-standing members, John Morley and Kevin Storm Jorgensenexchanging ideas at our January chapter meeting. Thank you both. I hope their boldness to step out inspires you. Our chapter is made up of diverse talent professionals and we welcome your ideas and participation. Watch for the next opportunity to participate in this SIG in May. 

    Chapter Meeting March 16th 

    Are you interested in adding more technology tools to your toolkit? Miro is a fantastic online collaboration tool. If you haven’t tried it yet, or if you want to share how you use it to get work done, then join our former Marketing Director Sharon Lo as she hosts our chapter meeting, Reimagining Virtual Collaboration: Using Miro in the L&D Space, this month on Wednesday March 16th, at 5:30 p.m. 

    Welcome New Members 

    Every person who calls ATD San Diego their chapter adds to the richness of our community. I want to take a moment to recognize our six newest members, who joined our chapter in 2022. Please give them a warm welcome and connect with them on LinkedIn. Why not make plans to meet in person at one of our next events? 

    Holly Amaya

    Ivan Castro

    Juan Collazo

    Charles Martin

    Marie Martin

    Erin Passons

    Are you an ATD San Diego chapter member? We want to boast about you! Complete this form (link form) and we’ll spotlight your talent on our social media platforms. Why? Because we want to highlight how brilliantly our chapter shines. 

    The Great Resignation

    The great resignation is a topic that directly touches our industry and it is not something that is going away soon. Research from groups like Forrester agree that this trend didn’t start with the global pandemic. The global talent marketplace has seen a steady decline in the average employee tenure for more than a decade. What are the reasons behind this? One of the top 3 reasons is the lack of career development from an individual’s employer. How are you paving your career path? Make the most of your membership and leverage our programming to boost your career development this year. We intentionally create our events to provide you with tools and networking connections to move your career forward. Most of our events provide continuing education credit for the ATD National Certified Professional in Talent Development and Associate Professional in Talent Development certificates.

    Helping Hands Available to Support Your Work 

    Do you have a project that could use a second set of hands to help complete? Does your organization have a learning and development need that you could use additional ideas on? If so, then consider submitting a proposal for the San Diego State University Learning Design Technology program’s student project. Don't delay, proposals are due at the end of this week. This may be just the solution that you need to bring fresh ideas to the projects that you support.  

    ATD International Conference and Expo

    The ATD International Conference and Expo is taking place both virtually and in-person in Orlando, Florida May 15-18th. There is a discount available if 5 or more members from our chapter attend. Please email if you plan to attend. 

    Connect with One Another In-person

    Our 3 regional Professional Mixers are taking place in Central, North County and SouthBay locations the last week of the month. Register now and enjoy some time getting to know talent development colleagues in your neighborhood. 

    Cheers to Daylight Saving Time!

    All my best, 



    10th Discover the Benefits of Membership 12:00 p.m. 

    15th Get Good with Articulate Storyline 5:30 p.m.

    16th Miro 5:30 p.m.

    23rd Mixer 5:30 p.m. 

    23rd Mixer 5:30 p.m. 

    24th Mixer 5:30 p.m.

  • Wed, July 07, 2021 6:25 AM | Tom Velasquez

    It’s here! The time has come for our chapter to resume in person events. The State of California changed the mask and social distancing requirements last month and we are excited to see you! Like most businesses and organizations in our region we are closely tracking all requirements and restrictions to keep everyone safe from COVID-19. With that in mind we will continue to offer virtual events for the remainder of the calendar year. Our virtual programming will be coupled with in person events. 

    This month we will host our first in person mixer at Gravity Heights in Sorrento Valley on Thursday, July 29th. Come join us at this venue that boasts lots of outdoor space. I plan to be there and would love to see your smiling faces. Please register online so that we can plan for the size of our group. 

    Other programming this month includes: 

    Join Us!


    Thursday, July 7 | 12:00-12:45pm

    Our midday virtual lunch and learn on the first Wednesday of the month. This event is designed to help you understand the value of an ATD San Diego membership. 



    Thursday, July 14 | 5:30-7:00pm 

    San Diego local Alex Montoya, who always proves to inspire, will lead a conversation on Diversity and Inclusion virtually.

    Join Us!

  • Sun, June 20, 2021 12:48 PM | Tom Velasquez

    ATD San Diego, 

    This month marks the start of summer and we're so glad that you’re a part of our chapter during this ever changing time! 

    Every year our national organization hosts a conference to keep us connected and stay at the top of our game professionally. This year the event is in Salt Lake City, Utah from August 29 - September 3. With the transition back to in person events in the United States, this event is designed for both in person and virtual attendance. Would you like to receive a discounted registration? Reduced rates are available if 5 or more members from our chapter attend. To cash in on the discount, email so that everyone can reap the reward! Many lasting friendships have been established at past conferences, not to mention the valuable content from industry leaders. You won’t want to miss it.  

    This year our board of directors' top priority is you and the value of your membership. For many of our members, the most valuable components of their membership are professional growth and networking. Growth most often happens with practice. How can you grow professionally and grow your network through ATD San Diego? By getting involved. Many of you reading this email have given your time and talent to develop our chapter into the powerful group that we are today. To stay strong, stretch, and grow we need help from every member. Our chapter will reflect your interests and meet your professional goals when we have your input and participation. As we reemerge out of the state-wide quarantine, we are excited to explore new programming ideas, and I am asking for your help to make those ideas a reality. Here is a brief list of areas where we can use your help:

    • Finance Director - assist with reports, collecting data, reviewing chapter financial information
    • Technology Director - assist with website updates, edit videos, create podcasts
    • Marketing Director - create social media posts, create graphics, host new social media platforms
    • Membership Director - do you want to mentor or be mentored? We need volunteers on both sides for our newly developing membership program
    • Local Conference - we want to host one! We’re looking for a committee to put together this event. 

    Don’t hesitate to step up and try something new or share your expertise with us. We know you are amazing, and we want our chapter to benefit from your teachable spirit or rockstar status, whatever the case may be. 

    Our Volunteer Opportunities are listed on our website, but feel free to reach out to one of our directors or me directly on LinkedIn to start a conversation about how you can join us. Volunteering is a great way to share your skills and talents and a great way to develop new ones. 

    How can you connect with us this month?

    1. Wednesday June 9th at 5:30 p.m. we’ll host our chapter meeting Emotional Intelligence, Interesting, but What’s the Business Value?

    2. Virtual Mixer on Thursday the 17th from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Sit back with a beverage from home, introduce yourself, mingle and make new friends. Register to receive the link. 

    Remember to follow us on LinkedIn for reminders of upcoming events. Please note that if you are a member of the San Diego ATD LinkedIn group, it has been closed. Stay connected with us here. I encourage you to keep your membership up to date. It’s your ticket to attend most of our events throughout the year for free. Our chapter meetings, Professional mixers and more are available at no cost above your annual membership dues and we think that’s a great value. 

    Cheers to seeing you soon. 

    All my Best, 

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