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President's Letters

  • Mon, January 02, 2017 6:53 AM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego and Happy New Year!

    As we say goodbye to 2016, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of those that helped to make 2016 such a great year at ATD.  We couldn’t have done it without the help of so many wonderful volunteers.  

    We had an amazing and hard working Board of Directors. Thanks to Nancy McMonigal (Past President), Chis Campbell (Marketing Director) Carol Sheckler (Secretary), Elaine Hester (Technology Director), Claude Koehl (Programs Director), Amy Osback (Programs Director), Rebecca Everett (Programs Director), and Laurie Donnelly (CFO).  

    Our chapter couldn’t function without our wonderful volunteers. This year we are honoring the following individuals:

    Rookie of the year award goes to John Alexander. John jumped right in and is running our HPA events now.  He always has a smile and warm greeting for our attendees.  

    President’s Choice award goes to Ray Valenzuela and Kevin Mayfield. One thing that they both have in common is their eagerness to do anything asked of them. A common phrase I use for both of them is “He is my rock.”  Ray has been handling our registration for events and is now our new Programs Co Director for 2017.  Kevin helps with finance, technology, and programs.  

    Comeback Volunteer of the year award goes to Barbara Greenstein. Barbara has helped to keep our Technology SIG (Special Interest Group) going strong by facilitating some great sessions.  

    Volunteer of the year award goes to Nancy Carroll. Nancy has been such a strong supporter of ATD, she has been volunteering for the chapter in many capacities for a number of years. She consistently brings along her energy and professional attitude to further our chapter efforts and membership! In September, she did a wonderful job with marketing and overall volunteering where needed, for the joint SHRM Workplace Strategies event. We are thrilled that she is our Marketing Director and look forward to seeing more of her creativity come to life!

    Lastly, I would like to recognize our November and December volunteers of the month.  Chelsea Campbell  has been working on the programs committee and has been a great asset.  She has been assisting with registration and has some wonderful program ideas.  

    For December, we are so grateful to the entire Mentor Protégé team. Thanks for another banner year:  Tino Bautista, Monica Braun Miller, Catherine Mattice, Genaro Torres, and Jacquie Uriel.  

    We’ve got some great programs in the works for 2017.   I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the chapter events!

    Annette Weinstein

    Chapter President

  • Thu, December 15, 2016 11:33 AM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego!

    A big round of applause and congratulations for our newly-elected 2017 Board members.  Please join me in welcoming Nancy Carroll (Marketing) and Raymond Valenzuela (Programs).  I’m so excited to have these two wonderful people join our board.  They have wonderful enthusiasm and work ethics and I know that they will be a great addition to the board.  Unfortunately, that means I have to give a sad farewell to Chris Campbell (Marketing), Carol Scheckler (Secretary) and Claude Koehl (Programs).  The next time you see Chris, Carol or Claude at an event, please thank them for their hard work and dedication.  They will be missed.  

    Training Magazine is having their training 2017 conference and expo this year at the San Diego Convention Center at the end of January.  ATD members will be eligible for a discount.  More information to come.  

    Wishing all of you a joyful holiday season!

    Annette Weinstein

    Chapter President

  • Tue, November 08, 2016 12:05 AM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego!

    The Presidential Election is tomorrow, but the ATD election starts today.

    We have two wonderful candidates for the board.  Our Chapter Bylaws require that at least 10% of our membership must cast their ballot in order to do business – in this case, in order to elect our Board members.  If you could take a moment and read about these wonderful candidates and cast your vote, it would be appreciated.

    Here is the link to vote.

    December 5th through the 9th is ATD Employee Learning Week.  Employee Learning Week is an awareness campaign highlighting the important connection between learning and achieving organizational results. 

    Celebrate with ATD San Diego by attending a workshop and a chapter meeting!  

    Learn all about performance consulting with our local legend Allison Rossett on December 6.  Then share what you learned with us at our Year End Networking and Volunteer Recognition Party on December 8.

    Looking forward to seeing you at the next event!

    Annette Weinstein

    Chapter President

  • Sat, October 08, 2016 10:25 AM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego!

    The elections are coming!  No, not the presidential election, the ATD elections!  We are accepting applications for the 2017 board until October 28.  A list of available positions and the application can be found here

    eLearning Guild is having it’s DevLearn convention again.  This year’s theme is Sparking Creatiivity.  This years Keynote Lineup includes Penn Jilette, Tony DeRose, Karen McGrane and Maxwell Planek.   The conference runs from November 14 to November 18.   ATD chapter members receive a 20% discount!  Just enter reference code DL16ATDSD in the Payment Information section of the registration form.  

    Last month was the Workplace Strategy Conference, which was a collaborative event with the San Diego SHRM organization. I wanted to give special thanks to Laurie Chaua of San Diego SHRM and Nancy McMonigal of San Diego ATD for orchestrating the event.  They did an amazing job.  

    Looking forward to seeing you at the next event!

    Annette Weinstein

    Chapter President

  • Thu, September 08, 2016 3:25 PM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego!

    Things at ATD slow down a little during the summer.  

    You may have noticed that we didn’t have any chapter events in July and August. We did, however, continue to have our very popular monthly HPA networking events.  And we had an amazing workshop. 

    Margie Meacham, “the Brain Lady” is a brain-aware instructional design and performance improvement consultant and she is the president of Learningtogo. She is also a certified ATD Education Facilitator. She held a workshop called Using Neuroscience to Enhance your Instructional Design and did a wonderful job.

    You can see pictures and learn more about the workshop here on Margie's website, and about Margie and what she does on her website Learningtogo.

    Margie was also gracious enough to share some of her resources. You can find them on our website at here

    And speaking of resources, I’m happy to share that our chapter is in a fiscally strong position. Please remember, as a chapter member you can contact us at any time to get an update on our chapters financial status by sending an email to

    *** AND A SPECIAL REMINDER:  Don’t forget to sign up for the Workplace Strategies Conference on September 21!

    It’s been an amazing honor and privilege to serve the San Diego chapter. Looking forward to seeing you at the next event!

    Annette Weinstein

    Chapter President

    *** SPECIAL - SEPTEMBER 21 ***


    Connect - Build - Sustain - Contribute 

    Workplace Strategies Conference.

    Wednesday, September 21

    This one-day conference includes world-class presenters sharing insights on workplace strategies to help you recruit, develop and retain your most valuable resource – Your People! 

    Don't miss the opportunity to join other Talent Development & HR professionals and business leaders for thought-provoking discussion, interactive speaker sessions and great networking!

    Click here for details

  • Tue, August 02, 2016 9:15 PM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego!

    Hope you are having a great summer. Each and every time I write these President messages, I find myself thinking about the chapter and how much I enjoy it. A relative of mine came to one of our chapter events with me and she said, “Now I know why you like this organization so much. The people are so wonderful.” I completely agree with her. I continue to meet amazing people and if we haven’t met yet, I can’t wait to meet you. Maybe I’ll see you at our collaboration event with San Diego SHRM on Sept. 21. The Workplace Strategies Conference will have some great networking and wonderful speakers.

    Our PEAK Awards event is in October and the deadline to submit your application and have an opportunity to showcase your program and your company is September 1. You can learn more about the event on our website here, or by emailing us at

    It’s that time of year again. It’s time for the nominations of board positions for 2017. Have you ever considered being a board member? Here are some great reasons to join the board:

    • Apply and enhance leadership skills
    • Opportunities to showcase your talents
    • Build a strong network of colleagues
    • Gain new skills
    • Build connections with other association members
    • Participate in building a strong association
    • Suggest and implement new ideas
    • Help direct the future of ATD
    • Have a seat at the table!

    We will be posting the board member application and instructions shortly. We are looking for a Secretary, Programs Director, Marketing Director, Membership Director and President-Elect. If you are interested, please let us know by August 12. If you have questions or just simply want to learn more about the available positions, please email me at

    See you at the next event!

    Annette Weinstein

    Chapter President

  • Thu, July 14, 2016 9:43 AM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego!

    Summer is here!  Hopefully you are all taking a little bit of time for yourselves to enjoy our beautiful city.

    I decided it was a good time to recognize those of you that continue to help keep our chapter strong by donating your time and office space.  I wish I could list them all - but special thanks to Groovy Like a Movie, Vistage, and PIRCH for the use of their locations for our events, and to Jack-In-The-Box for the use of their facilities for our monthly Board of Directors meetings.  Also a big "Thank you" to Troy Gorostiza for sharing your expertise on LMS trends at our Technology SIG event.

    Also I wanted to let you know that two of our board members attended the ATD International Conference and Exposition last month in Colorado.  You may hear this event referred to as ICE, and it draws vendors, presenters, and attendees from over 80 countries.  They all come together to share and learn about the latest Talent Development trends.  There is more about next year’s event here, and I seriously encourage you consider making the trip.  It will be very worth it.

    Finally an early notice of the wonderful collaborative event we have coming up in September.  San Diego SHRM and ATD San Diego are partnering to present a Workplace Strategies Conference. More information is coming soon on our website. You won’t want to miss it!

    See you at the next event!

    Annette Weinstein

    President, TD San Diego


    JUNE 19

    Learn how to use neuroscience to improve your instructional design and learning outcomes:

    Brain Matters Workshop

    with Margie Meacham

    Knowing how the brain receives, encodes, and retrieves information is critical when designing learning programs.

    And now advancements in neuroscience are showing instructional designers how to make material more learnable and easier to digest and use.

    In an info-packed one-day workshop Margie Meacham, "the Brain Lady", will explain:

    ·       The recent trends in neuroscience.

    ·       How the brain receives information.

    ·       How you can apply this information to Instructional Design.

    And participants will learn how to apply what they have just learned, with guidance from Margie.

    Breakfast and Lunch is included!  And...

    All Participants will receive a copy of "Brain Matters: How to Help Anyone Learn Anything Using Neuroscience."

    Don't miss out on this terrific opportunity to learn and network with other professionals!

    Seating is limited and will sell out!

    Click here now to assure your spot!

    **(Please Note: All participants must have some level of instructional design experience.)**


    JULY 28-29

    ATD National Training Course offered in San Diego: 

    Consulting Skills Certificate

    Build your credibility as a knowledgeable, client-focused consultant.

    Achieving success as a business partner in your organization requires strong consulting skills and relationship building. Through ATD’s practical 5-D Consulting model, learn effective internal consulting skills that will enable you to help your clients achieve their desired outcomes, establish goals, and manage expectations. Guide clients through an instructional design or organizational development project: help them overcome obstacles and resistance, and build your credibility to influence decision-making.

    • ·       Discover a model, techniques, and tools that you can use to consult with your clients and move from “order taker” to true business partner.
    • ·       Apply strategies for success, including working across organizational boundaries, providing feedback to senior leaders, and gaining buy-in.

    ·       Evaluate your skills and identify your developmental needs as a consultant.

    Learn more and register here - and be sure to use our chapter ChIP code of CH8024 whenever buying products from ATD National.



     JULY 28

    Human Performance Alliance (HPA) 

    Networking Event

    Thursday, July 28 - please join us in casual networking with other talent development professionals at the Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery in La Jolla.

    Click here for more details.


    Performance Excellence * Applied Knowledge

    See how your talent development programs stack up against some our region's best.  Compete for the coveted PEAK Award.

    Click here for details on how.

  • Fri, June 10, 2016 9:06 PM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego!

    A chapter event at an appliance store? I never would have thought that we would have an event at an appliance store and an even bigger surprise to me is that it was one of my favorite events! Our May chapter event was at PIRCH, an amazing store in UTC. Mark Tomaszewicz guides the training and development of all new employees. He shared how they are creating a joyful corporate culture that directly ties to their learning and employee engagement. A big thank you to Mark Tomaszewicz and Jill Birse for providing us with a wonderful venue. Did you know that if you were a chapter member, you could have attended this event for free?

    There are several benefits to being a chapter member.

    Special Interest Groups:  Special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide members the opportunity to connect with other learning professionals around certain interests and activities. SIGs allow members to explore the hot topics of our profession in more depth. 

    Communications: Stay on top of what’s happening with ATD through social media, the website and email.

    Free Chapter Events: Covers a variety of topics to help you with your professional development. Our next event is on Thursday, June 23; Using Social Media to Enhance Learning.

    Free Networking Events: Every month we have a Human Performance Alliance (HPA) event to give you an opportunity to network with your colleagues. Our next event is on Thursday, June 30 in La Jolla.

    Workshops – At a discounted rate: You can attend workshops on a wide variety of topics. Coaching, e-learning, and instructional design are some of the many topics you’ll find.

    Please visit our website to learn more about the chapter benefits and to sign up.

    The ATD San Diego PEAK Awards committee is busy this month generating interest in the prestigious Performance Excellence in Applied Knowledge (PEAK) Award. Performance awards promote innovation and excellence within the San Diego Talent and Development community by highlighting outstanding learning and performance initiatives. Many of us join ATD San Diego to share best practices and learn from others and the PEAK performance awards program is a terrific opportunity to do just that. This could be your year to be recognized or to recognize one of your client’s programs. Click here to apply: We would love to hear about your best practices!

    Are you interested in being on the board of directors? We have several positions that will be open in January. Elections are coming soon. Being on the board gives you opportunities to use and enhance your leadership experience and skills. Board members build a strong network of colleagues, and a circle of lasting friendships. Open positions include: Marketing, Programs, and Secretary. If you’re interested, please email me at Feel free to reach out to any of the current board members to ask them about their positions.

    See you at the next event!

    Annette Weinstein 

  • Sun, May 08, 2016 12:52 PM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego,

    I am so happy to be your new ATD President! Being on the board has been an exciting and rewarding opportunity. Often times you’ll hear our board members say, “ATD is the gift that keeps on giving.” I must say that I agree. I have benefited greatly from being a board member. It’s a wonderful opportunity for professional development and networking. If you are considering joining our board of directors, the way to start is by volunteering. If you’re interested in what volunteer positions are available, please contact Enrique Martinez at

    Last month we had an amazing chapter event called Leadership Development Strategies. There was a panel of seasoned leadership development practitioners discussing the techniques and tools that brought them success. I want to thank the panelists for their time and for sharing. They made it a wonderful event.

    May offers up two local events. This week you can join the Learning Technology SIG on Wednesday (May 4) tolearn how to choose and how to use a Learning Management System (LMS). The speaker will be Troy Gorostiza, the founder of Knowledge Stream.

    We'd also love to see you on May 26 at our May Chapter Meeting at the San Diego PIRCH showroom. To meet the challenge of teaching and cultivating a common mind-set throughout a rapidly growing and nationally-dispersed organization, PIRCH created a “University of Joy”, where Ambassador of Joy, Mark Tomaszewicz guides the training and development of all new employees. Mark will discuss how he and PIRCH are deploying this amazing employee-customer experience campaign, and how talent development is part and a parcel of creating a joyful corporate culture.

    Lastly I'd like to remind everyone that the ATD International Conference and Expo (ICE) is being held in Denver, May 22-25. You can gain new contacts, fresh ideas on how to apply current and future trends to your own job, and an invigorated passion for talent development. Mention our CHIP code CH8024 and our chapter will get a portion of the revenue from the event.

    See you at the next event!

    Annette Weinstein

  • Sun, April 10, 2016 11:06 AM | Deleted user

    Hello ATD San Diego,

    Spring has sprung and we have some great programs lined up for you!

    Don’t get me wrong; Winter was great. Last month we had an amazing chapter event.  At our “PEAK Awards Roundtable” attendees were given the opportunity to pick the brains and hear about "best practices" from some of the strongest learning leaders in San Diego. Thanks to all of the volunteers and attendees who helped to make the event a huge success!

    This month's chapter meeting is “Leadership Development Strategies”.   Attendees will hear a panel of seasoned leadership development practitioners discuss the techniques and tools that have brought them success, and the lessons they’ve learned from working in organizations of varying types and sizes.  Don't miss this unique learning and networking event.

    I also want to take this opportunity to mention to each of you our chapter's award winning Mentor - Protégé Program.   Open to current San Diego chapter members, a creative "speed dating" process takes place where volunteer mentors are paired with interested protégés who then work together in a six-month semi-structured program.  BOTH mentor and protégé participants share what they learned about themselves and each other while they expanded their professional network.  The best part is it’s free!  And it is one of the most beneficial experiences we offer our chapter members.

    Lastly, several months ago I reported that our President Elect, Annette Weinstein, would be starting her term on July 1, 2016.   However, due to a recent personal health event, I am ending my term a few months early. Effective immediately, Annette Weinstein is taking over the role of President of our San Diego ATD chapter.   We are so fortunate to have Annette now at the helm!   Please help me welcome her to her new role. 

    It has truly been a pleasure to serve on the board, and I thank you all for the opportunity!  I hope to see you at future chapter meetings.

    Kind regards,

    Carollyn Rock

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