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President's Letters

  • Sun, March 27, 2016 10:42 AM | Anonymous

    Hello!  This year is off to a great start! 

    We've have had a couple of wonderful monthly chapter events so far, and the months ahead have some interesting and informative topics. 

    We have added a Learning Technologies Special Interest Group (SIG) and will continue to offer our monthly Human Performance Alliance (HPA) networking events every month - these are now on the last Thursday of each month.

    More updates for 2016 - we have a new board member! Please join me in congratulating Elaine Hester as our Technology Director! We’re so glad to have you Elaine!

    Every year we have a PEAK Awards program (Performance Excellence & Applied Knowledge Awards). On March 17th, we will be having a round table workshop to hear from the past finalists and winners about how they put their recognized programs together. It’s a fun, best practices format. Please join us for this informative event!

    Finally, I want to thank all of our volunteers. Some of you may not know this, but our organization is all volunteers except for our Executive Assistant. We wouldn’t have a chapter without our amazing volunteers. Please consider volunteering. You’ll meet some wonderful people and increase your professional development.

    See you at the next meeting on March 17!

  • Sun, January 03, 2016 9:49 AM | Anonymous

    Chapter members, affiliates, and friends,

    As we transition to a new year, it feels appropriate to acknowledge those members that have done much to keep our chapter alive and well.

    Allow me to express my sincere gratitude to the following board members who have shared their time, talent and wonderful selves with the chapter. Although they are officially rolling off the board, we are looking forward to staying in touch at future chapter meetings and events!

    Melanie Proshchenko’s contributions included overseeing the PEAK awards, the Mentor Program and the Special Interest Groups (SIG’s).

    Dawn Schultz’s contributions included keeping the chapter’s finances in order and advising us on how our decisions could impact our financial health.

    Jacqueline Sirota’s contributions included orchestrating our technology workshops and ensuring quality presenters and venues.

    Volunteer Awards - Our chapter couldn’t function without the steady stream of amazing volunteers. This year we are honoring the following individuals:

    Comeback Volunteer, 2015: Goes to Jeff Toister. Jeff did a tremendous job organizing and managing our 2015 Mentor program. I had the pleasure of attending the graduation event and was impressed by all the positive things the participants had to say. Thanks to Jeff and his team!

    Rookies of the Year, 2015: We had two very special rookies to honor: Lainey Walker served as our Registration Coordinator/lead for all of the programs. Yvette Durazo was a big part of the HPA Networking meetings. Our sincere appreciation to both of you!

    President’s Choice, 2015: I particularly want to thank Enrique Martinez for his willingness to do whatever we have asked of him. He is currently working with our Membership committee as the volunteer coordinator. You will see him welcoming new members and visitors alike, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and has a chance to explore how they can get the most out of our meetings and membership,

    Volunteer of the Year, 2015: I am so pleased to honor Jacquie Uriell with this award. She has been involved in the Mentor program for several years now. While she expertly handles the logistics and always ensures everyone is well fed, she has a real passion for volunteering with the Mentor committee. In a casual conversation with Jacquie, she explained why the Mentor Program was so important to her. This is one place where she witnesses the selflessness of both mentors and protégés, giving of themselves to help each other without any expectation of repayment. I know that her contributions have been appreciated by all those involved in the Mentor program, and we thank her!

    Finally, we love to acknowledge our Volunteers of the Month. We were a little behind in our announcements, so here is a quick shout-out of gratitude to the following Volunteers of the Month for 2015:

    • July: Rebecca Everett – she headed up the PEAK awards committee and kept us on track.

    • August: Elaine Hester – she jumped onto the Technology committee and began working with Annette Weinstein, then Director.

    • September: Laurie Donnelly – she started volunteering at the registration desk but quickly found her niche with Dawn Shultz learning about the CFO position.

    • October: Amy Osback – she graciously hosted the PEAK awards at Jack in the Box.

    • November: Monica Braun – she headed up the Mentor program recruitment and continued to help whenever needed.

    • December: Mark Warmbrandt – he’s done an excellent job pulling the Learning Technology Special Interest Group (SIG) together. Stay tuned for more on this SIG in the new year!

    Don't miss the great events we have coming up; details and registration links are provided below.

    The San Diego Board members and I look forward to connecting with you in the new year.

    See you very soon,

    Carollyn Rock

  • Sun, November 22, 2015 6:21 PM | Anonymous

    As we approach the fourth quarter of 2015 I'd like to tell you about the great programs ATD San Diego has for closing out the year.

    On September 16 we collaborate with our San Diego partner organizations in a full-day Workplace Strategies Conference where attendees will be exploring the latest in talent development topics, policies, trends and happenings. Don't miss this incredible learning and networking opportunity.

    Video has become a global training and development staple, and on September 29 ATD San Diego offers an opportunity to learn about all that goes into planing and implementing the production of training videos, and/or on Oct 06 a chance to actually participate in the making of a training video. These two programs are sure to be tremendous learning opportunities.

    Also bridging September and October is eLearning Guild's DevLearn 2015 "Innovation in the Making" Conference. The conference runs from Sept. 30 to Oct 02 and ATD San Diego members receive a 20% discount! This world class conference draws thought leaders from all over and is a terrific opportunity to experience the leading edge of eLearning.

    And speaking of eLearning - on October 22 - 23 ATD National is conducting an E-Learning Instructional Design Certificate course in San Diego. This is a unique opportunity to really expand your instructional design and virtual training skills, and be sure to use our ChIP code CH8024 when you sign up!

    Later that same day ATD San Diego will have our annual PEAK Awards event, where we honor local organizations who exemplify Performance Excellence and Applied Knowledge in their learning, training and development initiatives. This is one of our most popular events due to the "best practices" content and exceptional networking. Be sure to register early for this one as it routinely sells out.

    Lastly (for now) I'd like to remind everyone about our monthly Human Performance Alliance Networking events, occurring the second Thursday of every month. Unwind at the end of the day while you meet and make friends with other talent development professionals.

    See you very soon,

    Carollyn Rock

  • Wed, September 16, 2015 11:44 PM | Annette Weinstein

    As we approach the fourth quarter of 2015 I'd like to tell you about the great programs ATD San Diego has for closing out the year.  

    On September 16 we collaborate with our San Diego partner organizations in a full-day Workplace Strategies Conference where attendees will be exploring the latest in talent development topics, policies, trends and happenings.  Don't miss this incredible learning and networking opportunity.  

    Video has become a global training and development staple, and on September 29 ATD San Diego offers an opportunity to learn about all that goes into planing and implementing the production of training videos, and/or on Oct 06 a chance to actually participate in the making of a training video.  These two programs are sure to be tremendous learning opportunities.

    Also bridging September and October is eLearning Guild's DevLearn 2015 "Innovation in the Making" Conference.  The conference runs from Sept. 30 to Oct 02 and ATD San Diego members receive a 20% discount!  This world class conference draws thought leaders from all over and is a terrific opportunity to experience the leading edge of eLearning. 

    And speaking of eLearning - on October 22 - 23 ATD National is conducting an E-Learning Instructional Design Certificate course in San Diego.  This is a unique opportunity to really expand your instructional design and virtual training skills, and be sure to use our ChIP code CH8024 when you sign up! 

    Later that same day ATD San Diego will have our annual PEAK Awards event, where we honor local organizations who exemplify Performance Excellence and Applied Knowledge in their learning, training and development initiatives.  This is one of our most popular events due to the "best  practices" content and exceptional networking.  Be sure to register early for this one as it routinely sells out.

    Lastly (for now) I'd like to remind everyone about our monthly Human Performance Alliance Networking events, occurring the second Thursday of every month.  Unwind at the end of the day while you meet and make friends with other talent development professionals.

    See you very soon,

    Carollyn Rock

  • Wed, September 16, 2015 11:40 PM | Annette Weinstein

    This is the time of year when the chapter is bustling with activity!

    Two items that continue to sustain the chapter are the Board Elections and the Mid-Year Board “retreat.”  

    We are currently vetting members of the chapter who are interested in joining the board (learn about being a board member here).  By the end of September we will provide a slate of nominees for your review and give you the opportunity to cast your votes! 

    Our second priority, our mid-year board “retreat”, is designed to contribute to the continuing health of our chapter.  We will review the progress we’ve made towards the goals we started out with this year; determine the calendar of events for next year based on the results of a survey both members and non-members took; discuss our marketing strategies and processes; and create a strategy to onboard our new board members so they hit the ground running when they take their places in 2016.

    In addition, below I'd like to highlight several upcoming events we feel are especially valuable for our members.  And as always, the San Diego Board members and I look forward to connecting with you at these upcoming events and throughout the year.

    See you very soon,

    Carollyn Rock

  • Tue, July 14, 2015 10:01 PM | Annette Weinstein

    This month we are bursting with news! There are several items I’m excited to share with you:

    Live streaming

    If you attended our June event, Innovation in Leadership Development - Great Leadership Programs, you may have noticed that we were live-streaming this special program. As part of our Partnership with Groovy Like a Movie, they are live-streaming selected events for us. This means that if you can’t physically be here, you can still sign-up and view the event simultaneously. Additionally, anyone that has registered for the event (either in person or virtually) will have access to the recorded event. 

    Stay tuned for more information on the next event we will be streaming.

    Attendee survey

    Each year we ask that our audience take 3 minutes to quickly participate in our survey. We will use your input as we establish next year’s calendar of events. Please take a moment to let us know what continues to be of value to you, what you’d like to see more of, and any other topics that are relevant in your TD careers.  Take the survey now.

    Become a Board Member

    Ever wondered what it would take to get involved at the board level of our chapter? Here are some great reasons to consider putting your hat in the ring:

    • Apply and enhance leadership skills
    • Opportunities to showcase your talents
    • Build a strong network of colleagues
    • Gain new skills
    • Build connections with other association members
    • Participate in building a strong association
    • Suggest and implement new ideas
    • Help direct the future of ATD

    We will be posting the board member application and instructions shortly, so please consider how you can make a real contribution to the continued health and success of our chapter.

    Training Video Production

    In September and October, Groovy Like a Movie (GLAM) is hosting two Training Video Production learning events entitled: "Practical and Tactical Approach to Training Video Production". These are beginner classes for individuals who are new to video production.  You can attend one session or the other, or both; there are no pre-requisites.  Click here to learn more.

    The San Diego Board members and I look forward to connecting with you at our upcoming events and throughout the year.

    See you very soon,

    Carollyn Rock

  • Sat, May 09, 2015 9:27 PM | Annette Weinstein

    This month we are partnering with our greater San Diego HR, OD and Coaching organizations to bring you our first of three collaboration events: "Positioning Yourself for Success in the New HR Marketplace". Click here for more information.

    Our collaboration events began two years ago by the pioneering efforts of Natasha Arthur, past President for SHRM San Diego, and others in the community.  We are saddened by Natasha’s recent passing, and will continue supporting these collaboration events and championing our partnerships with these organizations. ATD San Diego is also making a $100 donation to the Heifer Foundation in Natasha’s honor.

    There’s still time to register for National ATD’s annual International Conference and Expo! It will be in Orlando from May 17-20.  This year’s theme is Content, Community, Global Perspectives.  Click here for details on that event.

    If you are planning to attend any of the National ATD conferences or workshops, or purchasing any books or other resources, please remember to use our ATD-SD ChIP (Chapter Incentive Program) code: CH8024.  With every purchase or registration using our ChIP code, National ATD shares revenues with our local chapter. This money is then used to provide relevant program content and speakers to meet our local member’s needs.

    The 2015 Board of Directors and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!

    See you very soon,

    Carollyn Rock

  • Wed, April 08, 2015 8:08 PM | Annette Weinstein

    With the number of professional associations to choose from, we thank you for being a part of SD ATD.  Most often, content and community are the top reasons cited for engaging in and contributing to a local association.  Below are some opportunities we want to highlight:

    SD ATD is partnering with the greater San Diego HR, OD and Coaching organizations to host three Collaboration Events this year.  These will be opportunities to meet with local colleagues that share interests, challenges and expertise.  More information on specific topics and locations will be forthcoming.

    In every organization the importance of strengthening relationships, improving motivation, and performance is a given.  While we understand their inherent value; how is this accomplished?  Coaching for Performance, on Thursday, April 23, from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM is designed to provide some tools for doing just that.

    If you are technology minded; we have some exciting opportunities coming over the next few months.  I’ll highlight these as we get closer, but I encourage you to check out our website for information on training video production and intermediate Storyline workshops we have planned!

    National ATD’s annual International Conference and Expo will be in Orlando from May 17-20.  This year’s theme is Content, Community, Global Perspectives.  This conference provides professional development opportunities based on both Industry and Content tracks, so you can customize your learning and development experience.

    If you are planning to attend any of the National ATD conferences or workshops, or purchasing any books or other resources, please remember to use our SD ATD CHiP (Chapter Incentive Program) code: CH8024.  With every purchase or registration using our CHiP code, National ATD shares revenues with our local chapter. This money is then used to provide relevant program content and speakers to meet our local member’s needs.

    The 2015 Board of Directors and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.

    See you very soon,

    Carollyn Rock

  • Sat, March 21, 2015 5:11 PM | Annette Weinstein

    A special thank you to the professionals involved in our February event, the “Science Behind Learning: For Faster, Better Learning.” Beth Levin facilitated the discussion with audience members and our esteemed panelists: Sue Stevenson from NeuroLeadership, Karen A. Garman from Kaiser Permanente, and Sarai McMahan from Rady Children's Hospital. Members can view handouts and resources used during the program in the Resources section of our ATD website

    Our Mentor-Protégé program is on the horizon. If you are interested in making a change, enhancing your skills, or partnering with someone who is; now is the time. Applications for both roles are due by May 8th. Click here for specific details about this award-winning program.

    We are experimenting a little this year with offering more “Fireside Chats” in the early evening. Many of these are combined with our monthly HPA meetings, and feature a speaker of interest or activity for the first hour or so. The rest of the evening is devoted to networking, delicious nibbles and valuable conversation. If you have not attended one before, we invite you to stop by and get connected with like-minded professionals. You’ll be glad you came! Click here for more details.

    Although we announced our 2014 Volunteer Award Winners at our January meeting, we want to give them a little more air-time by acknowledging their efforts here. The following volunteers were recognized for their exceptional service in 2014:

    Volunteer of the Year: Rebecca Everett
    Rookie of the Year: Jacquie Uriell
    President’s Choice Award: Mary Jane Riccardi
    Comeback Volunteer of the Year: Catherine Mattice
    Willamae Heitman Distinguished Service Award: Grace Judson

    The San Diego Board members and I look forward to connecting with you at our upcoming March events and throughout the year. See you very soon, Carollyn Rock

  • Fri, February 13, 2015 8:27 PM | Annette Weinstein

    Greetings from the Association of Talent Development (ATD) San Diego! We are so excited to kick-off 2015 with you. As you may recall, our goal is to provide personal and professional growth opportunities that enable members to improve work related competencies and performance. I am confident that this year’s offerings will fit the bill. Based on feedback directly from you, we are working to bring interesting programs, networking opportunities and other relevant workshops that provide insight, valuable discussion and access to fellow Talent Development professionals in our community.

    If you are new to our community or are ready to become more involved, please let us know. Not only does volunteering help keep our chapter healthy and running smoothly, but it is a fantastic way to connect and work closely with like-minded professionals. Currently, we have many volunteer opportunities with a variety of responsibility to choose from. Please reach out to myself or any of the board members if you are interested in learning more.

    Please join me, and our 2015 Board of Directors, at our upcoming events.

    See you very soon,
    Carollyn Rock

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